Let’s be honest…
When has this Government ever provided for the common defense? Or cared about the general Welfare?
Again…the Founding Fathers understood that in order for the Blessings of Liberty to be secured for themselves and for those Americans who would come after them, the Government had to do these things as outlined in the Preamble.
That in order for We the People – then, now and for all time – to take possession of the Blessings of Liberty, the Government is obliged to protect and to serve each American in the same way as it would protect and serve every American – without showing favorites…you know: the common defense.
That everyone should be afforded the same freedom…
Not that freedom would be conditioned by one’s adherence to cultural mores, be they racial, religious or relational…
But that freedom would be available to all. And each would be “Free to Choose” what they do with that Freedom, so long as his/her freedom doesn’t infringe upon the freedom of any other.
And when someone’s freedom is abridged, curtailed, infringed upon…
Rather than take up arms and defend your personhood – your individual freedom – in the way humanity has always defended its ideas of personhood from the time Cain slew Abel, We the People have ordained and established a Government that is to provide for the common defense.
Yet, without diving into particular issues, whether you find yourself on the political Right or the political Left, you know that statement to be true.
But even in that…
Do you only care for the defense of those who are on your political side? Or do you care for the common defense of all who would be American?
The answer to that question is critical if this perspective on the general welfare is to make any sense.