At present, America is the only Country where (in mythology) all you have to do is believe and get to America…
Don’t stop until you get there…
Because once you get there, you shall be Free!
That’s what we say…right? That’s what America is supposed to mean, right?
And that is so Beloved Community.
All you have to do is believe in Christ and in His Kingdom and don’t stop until you get there…
Ask and keep on asking…
Seek and keep on seeking…
Knock and keep on knocking…
And when you get to that Beloved Community…to that City on a Hill…to that New Jerusalem, what a day of rejoicing that will be!
For there is no night in Zion! Hallelujah there is no night there!
There is no sadness…there is no sorrow. All is joy!
In pursuing a More Perfect Union, what could be more Perfect than the Kingdom of God?
In pursuing a More Perfect Union, what else could we be pursuing than the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven?
America should be the place where those from every nation and creed can come and gather and rejoice in love…sharing in that love, and returning that love to the world, so that all peoples – everywhere – who have contributed to enhancing the belovedness of our Community, simply by virtue of their presence among us, might feel our gratefulness and love in a very real way.
Especially as Christian people, should we not want America to Become Beloved Community?
Christian Conservative…Christian Liberal…
Who cares?
As a member in the Body of Christ, should you not want America to be that place where those from every nation and every creed can come together and rejoice in the Love of the Kingdom?
But in America, Christians have a strange view of the Kingdom…
What New Jerusalem…what City on a Hill could be full?
Even if one were to point to Scripture that seems to suggest that only 144,000 will make it into the Kingdom, it would not be because the Kingdom of God is full…
Rather, it would be because only 144,000 proved themselves committed to the Way, showed courage along the Way, gained capability along the Way and walked with confidence on the Way, such that they were able to endure the journey to the Promised Land.
It would not be because the Kingdom of God is full…
Imagine that…
The Kingdom of God full?!?
Such blasphemy! Such sacrilege. The audacity of such an assertion…
He Who is the Creator of All, could somehow create space that is too small to receive those who through commitment to the idea of Freedom, showing courage in caravans along the way to Freedom, gained capabilities atop those God-given talents, along the way to Freedom and now walk with confidence that they have arrived at Freedom…
And the Land of Freedom turns them away…locks them in cages…separates families and literally destroys joy…
There’s a proper way to approach Freedom, you say…They have to come to America “the right way.”
But, you a free to improperly approach the Almighty??!!
Standing before the world proclaiming yourself to be His Kingdom on earth…
Then standing before Him, having turned away His children who don’t fit your mold and claiming His Kingdom on earth is full…no room for them in the inn?!?!
Those who would be American, we must flee from such thinking. It isn’t of God. And therefore, it cannot be of Freedom.
What do you believe about America? What do you believe about the American Myth?
For if you really want the flow of immigrants to stop flooding the borders, you can stop them all in their tracks by simply telling the truth…
If you kill the myth of America, and proclaim what you really believe – you will either stop the flow of immigrants immediately…
Or, you will welcome immigrants with loving arms, finding room for them as if you needed to find room for the Lord – at His Coming. #ImagineThat
That commitment to Freedom would have the power to compel everyone to “Throw down their arms and come…”
All over the world, people would see Love and come…
See Freedom, and come…
See Peace, and come…
Why would you war, when you can peace?
Not the peace birthed with the United States…its “strong desire for peace, but will always be ready for war.”
But a Peace that is defended by Freedom.
And not just freedom for you and yours. But freedom for all.
And that’s a uniquely American perspective…so, what do you believe?