That is a question that only White America can answer…
What do you believe about America?
In this time where Nationalism is on the rise around the world…
What do you believe about America?
Because what you believe about America will also define your “Nationalism.”
And when it seems like White America believes that this land is God’s gift to White America and White progeny, then of course Economic Nationalism, American Nationalism, White Nationalism…it’s all the same.
And, Nationalism that is rooted in identifying blood with soil, is always doomed to destroy itself while trying to destroy the other, yet the Nationalism of a Nation that cannot honestly lay claim to any historical blood ties to the soil certainly provides opportunity for us to avoid self-destruction, for in the American dynamic “they” truly are “Us.”
But only you can define this, for the valid version of the American narrative is ultimately codified by White Power.
So, at this critical juncture in American History, coinciding with the critical juncture in Global History…
In the struggles between forces of globalism and nationalism…in the wicked and pure intentions that exist on both sides…
What do you believe about the American conception of Freedom? And what is its relevance, for the life of the world, in these times?
Does it have any merit? Any value to add to the problems of the day?
Not simply that America burst throw the doors with military might, shouldering the White Man’s Burden to save the day…
Not just that America opened the spigot of funny money, and made it rain on the global poor who are made to dance if they want a better life for their children…
But rather, what does the American conception and idea of Freedom have to offer?
When those ideas and ideals aren’t even inspiring Americans, what good news of Freedom could we possibly have to evangelize?
It seems the majority of Americans have long abandoned the idea and ideal of Democracy…
Civics is optional in education…
Very few American children have had a real Civics course. They may have had a section or a semester. Very few have had an intensive course that demands anything of them.
More than just a course, if we cared about preserving the Republican Democracy handed to – shaped over time by the machinations of people for good and for bad, we should want Civics to be a regular part of the curriculum…
For, how can you learn all the nuance of how this Government works in a section? A semester? Even a year?
And when we don’t place that sort of value on protecting our Freedom, the Establishment pounces and takes control of the narrative…
The Government (i.e. the Establishment) established and ordained by We the People has gone wild and turned on its creator – We the People…
It is akin to the God complex that plagues humanity…
That craving for power, where ultimately child wants to overcome parent, student wants to overcome teacher, creation wants to overcome creator…
The Government has turned on its creator, and now dictates the narrative to its creator…
Certainly the machines can take over, once Artificial Intelligence is given a chance…
The Shitstem – i.e. Babylon, or the Government – has taken over from We the People. Why wouldn’t the machines figure it out too…clearly, humanity isn’t adept enough to secure its Freedom from the world and the ways of the world…
What do you believe about America?
Is it a Government that is your master? Or is it a creation of We the People?
Do you tell the Government what you want it to be and do? Or does the Government tell you what is possible?
What do you believe about Freedom?
How best is it protected and defended? How best is it nurtured and advanced?
The question is not – cannot be – whether or not people of Color and immigrants love this Country…
The questions is – and only can be – whether or not White America loves this Country…
Loves the Country as She was established and ordained, on paper or in mythology – and then which mythology?
The mythology of White supremacy and Western Hegemony as a net good for all of humanity?
Or the mythology of America, the New Jerusalem and City on a Hill, striving to create a More Perfect Union that She might become the Beloved Community on earth as it is in Heaven?
I know what I want for America…for White people in America…
What I believe God wants for America and for the world which He created…
I know there’s been a lot said about what I want…about what I believe. But, I think it’s best you hear it directly from me…