So here we are…
Looking at the piece of the Preamble to our Constitution that declares our intention to establish and ordain a Government that would promote the General Welfare of We the People…
And not the type of Welfare the keeps people in bondage to the system…
Unable to advance in life because the incremental advance in economics for the working class and poor doesn’t allow them to afford the necessities of life that they would lose, when their incomes rise beyond the “welfare” threshold…
The Forefathers were talking about a general Welfare that ultimately secures the Blessings of Liberty for ourselves and our posterity.
They were talking about a general Welfare that promotes and secures Freedom…
So, a structure where the working class are beholden to Government handouts that ONLY come so long as they keep one particular Party in power, is not a Government that promotes the General Welfare. Certainly, it is not a Government that promotes the type of Welfare the secures the Blessings of Liberty for the poor and their progeny, who remain poor despite the sometime-ish promotion of Welfare by the Government we’ve established and ordained.
White America, do you still believe that the Government’s role in a Republican Democracy, for the securing of Freedom for All, is to promote the general Welfare? And that such general Welfare should be one that enables all to seize hold of Freedom?
In order for America to be America, and to live up to her Creed, the Government must further the growth or progress of Welfare (i.e. promote) for each and every member of the American milieu.
Yet while one sector of White America promotes a Welfare of bondage, the other sector of White America doesn’t give a shit about the Welfare of others…unless those others choose to agree with their point of view.
And in a culture that falls along racial lines – which our Government allowed to fester and be nurtured – the situation amounts to White America invalidating the cries of Black America, Brown America, Red America, Yellow America…
And so, the Welfare of those Americans is disregarded.
Rather than promoting the general Welfare, those on the political Right tend to promote the discontent and misery of any who don’t appreciate White Supremacy and all it has brought to civilization.
One side seems to believe, the way to ensure White supremacy is through dominating and oppressing their darkies. The other side seems to believe the way to secure White supremacy is through ensuring its darkies are happy and docile.
Neither can argue their chief aim to be the general Welfare that secures the Blessings of Liberty for (all of) ourselves and our posterity.
Yet while this is where we are now…
This is not where God wants us to be. This is not where we have to be.