Do White people still believe in America?
Or better, does White America still believe in the purposes for which this Constitution of the United States of America was ordained and established?
And if so, how so?
You see: of course the knee-jerk reaction is for Whites to say, “Yes we believe!”
But in the beginning, those White men who founded this Nation said they were doing so in order to form a More Perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence (sic), promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
It’s beautiful, isn’t it?
Forget that they never believed that…
Just take in those words and consider them. It. Is. Beautiful.
That’s Beloved Community type stuff right there.
Imagine a place that was always striving for a union that was ever more perfect?! Never satisfied with the level of oneness between free men and women in America, but knowing that this Nation needed to be a Nation that pursued oneness as it’s Chief Virtue…
This was truly #AmericaFirst…
And so, of chief concern to that society which intends to be one is to establish Justice…
To insure domestic Tranquility…
To provide for the common defense…
To promote the general Welfare…
And to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
Man! If that one Nation could exist under God, with Liberty and Justice for all, what a beautiful and Beloved Community that would be! Right?!?!
But does White America still believe in America?
Or is America just a myth used to validate White supremacy?
That’s the question before the Nation at this time.
Is America real? Or was it bull shit all along?
Lord knows! I want it to be real…
Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven! That Kingdom where all nations and all creeds gather together as one, before the One Who Is and Was and Is to come!
And knowing that if we can’t learn to live in the Kingdom now, we won’t be able to live in the Kingdom then…I must hope for a world where we can let Love prevail and come together as one.
And I believe that of political systems, a Republican Democracy provides us with the best possible means by which to maintain our Liberty while strengthening our Union.
But it seems that White America doesn’t really believe in America anymore. Don’t even seem to be trying to remember what America was supposed to be about…
I don’t know if the problem is that they don’t remember, or if they just don’t care. But we can’t look at the current state of affairs and not lament, when we consider what America could be in this world.
What America should be in this world…
A Charge to Keep we have…a God to glorify….a never-dying soul to save and fit it for the sky.
We should be better…
But, the question is: what does White America want?
To continue pretending that White supremacy isn’t the seminal issue holding this country hostage and drowning the Great Experiment that is America?
Or to repent of that ideology, extricating all vestiges from society once and for all, so that America can finally Become Beloved Community, and proclaim Beloved Community to a world that truly needs to Become Beloved Community.
But if we say it should repent, then what does that repentance look like?